  • Size, segments, ecosystem, growth, geography
  • Competition and other existing solutions (competitive analysis)
  • Barriers to entry
  • Analysts view of the market and its trends, competitors strategies, latest deals
  • Overview and interviews with existing and potential customers

  • Vision
  • Key differentiation
  • Main challenges and opportunities
  • Company growth vs. market growth

  • Product walk through (current)
  • Product road-map (main features, timeline, version cycles, interface)
  • Service and support
  • Modularity, scalability, platform independence
  • Customization needs; Prof Services

Business Model
  • General review of existing model
  • Future model - bottom up
  • LT & ST projections & budget

Operations & HR
  • Regular practices of Legal, finance, IT, & HR
  • Corporate culture & relationships with stakeholders
  • Organization chart (current & plan)
  • Reporting and governance
  • Key executive meetings (review bios)
  • Founders personal reference
  • Essential agreements, dependence on suppliers and/or clients
  • Bottleneck – reasons and alternative solutions

  • High level
  • Colored by intensity


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