3D experience on flat screens, Compressive Light Field Projection

Just tweeted(November 19, 2014 at 09:19AM):

“Compressive light field projection for glasses-free 3D display. The system comprises a single light field projector and a completely passive screen. The angular range of the light field emitted from the projector is limited to the size of the projection lens aperture, hence very small. Keplerian telescopes inspire our screen design - the angular range of incident light is expanded for an observer on the other side, creating a field of view that is suitable for glasses-free 3D display. A prototype projector was implemented from scratch using two high-speed spatial light modulators (SLMs); a prototype screen was fabricated from two lenticular sheets with different focal lengths, mounted back-to-back. With the implemented system, we achieve high-rank light field synthesis (center) for human observers with a critical flicker fusion threshold that is smaller than the product of the SLM refresh rates and the rank of the synthesized light field. Note that color results above are composited from multiple images captu See here


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