Internet and politics

I have been using twitter for a while mostly filtering the people I want to get their twits .. and sending interesting information I have found for my self …

So what is it good for ?

Well a lot are using this for promotion of their business or them self's, some are using to draw more attention to their Blog or online data web sites. Check out Guy Kawasaki promoting his blog promoting site or the different stock twits like stocktwits and all lots of other examples ...

The magic word for benefiting from twitter is FOLLOWERS once people are following you for what ever reason, you created a stage to be heard and keep people informed with your interests doings or business. An important part of this is the long tail, any one can be heard to the amount of his followers then he still has his stage and the people that are interested in his ideas …

Long tail that brings me to my little country where its politician are in the long tail not the leading ones that in the world spotlight, but the rest are very much long tail … So this is Israel !

So back to the long tail politician how does he uses the Internet. The answer like Obama have any way he can use the different IP channels this is the perfect platform to be in-touch with your voter report your doing get feedback make polls be visible to your voters keeping what you got is very easy on the web … application like Twitter the Google calendar youtube channels free polls the different blogs... also groups on facebook can be very effective in a non intrusive way.

I hope my politician will be viable to me this way so I can know what he did what he does now and what he plans to do have a feeling he will check out my opinion and show me he is doing something ….


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