Social advertising

What is it Social advertising .... So many interpenetration on the web ... if you search Google for it first (as most of the times) you get the Wikipedia for it and then they claim there are 29,600,000 results.

So as much as there are results there are opinion to what is it what is the value and how to make money out of it ...

Base on the Social advertising The social networks and the web 2.0 have managed to receive so much money from the investment community and create enormous market expectation.

This was based on the assumption that Social advertising will have better personal targeting... personal recommendations... this way increasing the $ for CPC and maybe make a CPA work better as the recommendation makes it personal and the converssion might be better...

Now how come only google is doing it well ? how come they have better conversion 10 times better then facebook?

Google has found the secret... this secret is presented in any Sales class and seminar but most of the people also the Salespeople dont followit and unfortunitly most of unscusessful business are down due to this roul.

Sales is a service and service is sales ....

Thats the roul and google have implemented it well. When you seaarch google for a something and google belives there is no adds for you then there wount be any adds if there are adds for you then it must be something helpful to you or something you will like to look at...

When the ads are part of a search then there is also the knowlage of what are you looking for right now. So what is the service with in a social network and what is the right way to do Social advertizing ?

So Twitter and the Feedburnere... they have solved the realtime issue of it... When there is something I want to publish (as a service to my friends) and you are my friends and like to follow what I say then this is a good platform to do so... but what happened if I need that but later not now and I don't know that...

then you need a search for social network and you need the recomendation system and you need to combine them and advertize to your friends and frends of Friends so the search will find it ...

Well I hope Sightix does that ... at least we are trying ...


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